Friday, May 20, 2011

Jennifer's Graduation

Today Jennifer Braden Gardner graduated from Saddleback College with her AA in Nursing. Its been 10 years she has been thinking about and working on this degree and now she has accomplished it!

Jennifer is the daughter of our dear friends Jon and Bev Braden. Dan has been friends with Jon since second grade and we have shared so many wonderful memories over the years with their family. We've known Jennifer and her sister Christina literally since the day each one was born.

I was sorry that I couldn't be there to congratulate and celebrate with Jennifer (or JAB as we call her - for Jennifer Ann Braden). I was working - just a few more days to go until I retire.

Jennifer is going on to get her Bachelor's and her R.N. degrees. In the meantime, congratulations on a job well done Jennifer!

The picture above is everyone at the celebratory luncheon after the graduation. From left to right: Dan, my husband, Jennifer's good friend, Jennifer's husband Jason, Bev, Jennifer, Jon and his brother Mark.

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